Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

Diverse PLNs Improving Learning and Personal Experiences:

Having diverse PLNs can improve your learning and personal/professional growth by incorporating many backgrounds, expertise and perspectives. The goal is to enhance learning by presenting diverse ideas and practises. Through the practice, the diverse PLNs will foster problem-solving with innovative and unique insights and solutions exposing the learner to many different perspectives. A diverse PLN will be made of many other people from varied careers and educational backgrounds.

For another class I am taking right now I am working on a project about AAC (Augmentative and Alternative Communication) devices, and one way to hear perspectives and thoughts about the devices is by joining a community that has various perspectives on the devices. The community includes speech therapists, teachers, parents, and educational assistants. Looking at the diverse community offers a space to see various strategies and ideas to help me better understand the devices and could work towards my project and even PLN on the topic

Inclusion in PLNs:

Looking at our reading from this week we learned that with inclusion, there is no answer to what it is “ There is no one way of being inclusive”. Being inclusive can be done in so many different ways that there is no right way to define it. With creating a PLN there are various ways we can be inclusive and add different voices and perspectives. The starting point is identifying the challenges that create a divide. Being sure to address the technological access and digital divide. Then thinking about actions you can take to promote inclusivity I think about diverse voices/content/languages, being open-minded, and regularly reflecting and adjusting the PLN. 

When thinking about inclusion within education in general it brings me to the idea of The Myth of Averages by Todd Rose. The TedTalk connects to the idea of inclusion by acknowledging how designing for the “average” often will exclude mostly everyone. He emphasized designing to the edges which is an idea that can align with the goals of diverse and inclusive PLNs.

Social Media Dynamics/ My Experience:

Social media dynamics relates to the different interactions you may have on different platforms due to the varying features. All social media platforms vary in the type of content and interactions. After listening to the podcast with Shelly Moore I like that she pointed out the shift in the role of social media post-COVID. She mentioned that ever since COVID social media has been used more interactively, she described a book club she has on Instagram and noted how social media can now play a role in creating valuable connections, interactions and communities. With each unique feature and tone social media platforms are used for different things. Some platforms are more serious and used for a professional setting, others are more informational along some have a tone of creativity.

Reflecting on my own behaviours and interactions across various platforms.


  • This is where I can share moments and parts of my life with my friends and family. Additionally, I have been able to interact with different groups by following and staying up to date with what is happening and being a part of a community.


  • I currently don’t use LinkedIn but looking at how it is typically used I imagine that in my future professional career, I will use this to join communities and build my professional digital identity.


  • This is where I take a more professional approach to creating a specific account to grow my PLN with teaching resources.


  • Long-form content, I don’t share too much on YouTube but I like watching YouTube as a form of entertainment where I can join communities to learn or just watch people’s vlogs of daily life.


  • Short-form creative/fun content to share with others and friends.
  • Additionally, I think that TikTok is a great learning platform for random tips and tricks. I wouldn’t use TikTok to learn about serious TikToks but I often learn new things when scrolling through TikTok.


  • Purley for connecting with friends and sharing bits of my life with close friends.

Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Inclusivity in Digital Spaces:

I think the biggest challenge I will face is the accessibility of content. Is the content accessible to multiple languages and abilities?  Some strategies I will use to overcome that challenge and build a supportive environment include implementing accessible features like alternate text, images, transcription to videos and reader-friendly documents. I will also aim to make content adjustable in multiple languages with text translation and ensuring my speaking is clear to understand. With thinking about accessibility in my PLNs I will be sure to educate on the best digital accessibility practices to better my community. Along with allowing for feedback and tips to make the PLN inclusive and more accessible to create an environment where everyone can learn and engage.