The link for my comment on Jorja’s blog post #2: HERE

Hi Jorja!

I really liked the layout of your blog, it was super well-organized and easy to read. Possibly you could try adding some headers to break up your post a bit. (This was some feedback Josh mentioned)

I also use the platforms you mentioned along with continuing to use them respectfully and choosing who I allow to follow me. I think being respectful online is a critical element to one’s social identity, and could affect their future career. I love how you described using social media as a memory scrapbook, that is a great way to put it! 

I like the point you mentioned about what you like on social media as I think that is an element of our social identity that is often forgotten. To build on your point on using social media professionally I think that it could be valuable to focus on themes and ideas that are relevant to your field. For example, only following colleagues or public figures that could be relevant to your profession. While also regularly checking in with your professional account and making sure that the content still matches your professional image. Keeping your professional account positive and true to yourself, so that there are no misunderstandings.

I really enjoyed reading your blog, great work!
